LOCAL PERSON: Mariangela Parodi
by Peta Hen

Mariangela Parodi, an alchemist, naturopath and spiritual healer, helps people, especially women, find themselves after challenging life events; a theme that inspired her new, international best-selling book.
Where did you grow up and where do you live now? I was five years old when my family migrated to Sydney, from Chile, in the 70s. I have lived in beautiful Hobart for the last 30 years.
Tell us a little about your work. I’m an alchemist, transformational medical intuitive healer, shaman, naturopath, teacher, spiritual business coach, and author of The Mystic Woman’s Compass, which is now a number one international bestseller in the shamanism, angels and spirit guides, and mysticism categories. For 30 years, I have practised in the fields of energy medicine, naturopathy, holistic health, and meditation. I’m the founder of the Alkymia Energie Healing™, a spiritual system that eliminates limiting beliefs, removes blocks and reprograms the mindset, creating connection, integration and transformation which awakens sacred power. I use my sacred alchemy process to bridge the gaps to move clients through their life and business challenges and accelerate them onto their next level of joy-filled passion, purpose and prosperity.
Your background is in biomedical science. What drew you to naturopathy and spiritual healing? Since I was a teenager, I had a passion for holistic health, and even though I have a degree in Biomedical Science, I knew I wanted to help people before their health declined. But after 10 years of working in pathology, looking for cancer cells, infections and diseases, I knew I had to listen to my intuition and decided to change directions. I retrained in naturopathy. I loved everything about herbal medicine, nutrition and remedies to help the body come back into balance. My eldest son suffered from multiple chemical and food sensitivities, severe eczema, and life-threatening asthma. My search and journey to heal him, activated my powerful intuitive and healing gifts, which I now use to support others, as I bridge science and spirituality together.
Is there a common theme that people who come to you struggle with? Many of my clients are sensitive. Physically, they suffer from anxiety, depression, fatigue, food intolerances, and hormonal issues. Emotionally, they are at crossroads and want to change careers, lifestyle or leave a relationship they have outgrown. Spiritually, they have intuitive and healing gifts they want to develop and harness. I also work with those in business, who are ready to leap to the next level and leave behind the issues that hold them back. As I find the root cause of their issues, I guide them back to restore their health and well-being. I also specialise in helping women transform their passion into purpose and give them the secret techniques to break through their limits to achieve their goals and dreams.
Your second book, The Mystic Woman’s Compass, was published recently. What inspired you to write it? After 30 years of showing sensitives, empaths and healers how to tap into their gifts so they can fulfil their life purpose, I’ve seen how difficult it can be for them to simply take the first steps on their spiritual path. The Mystic Woman’s Compass offers a pathway to understand and transcend self-sabotaging doubts and blocks that keep people from their worth, gifts, and fullest potential. My book is for those who would benefit from learning how to face their fears, overcome obstacles, embrace and liberate their gifts, and find joy and freedom.
What do you love doing outside work? Bushwalking, dancing, yoga and singing.
Who do you admire? Frida Kahlo. She was a Mexican painter from the 1930s. She suffered from polio as a child and nearly died in a severe bus accident as a teenager. With multiple fractures, injuries and intense pain, she used art to help her recover.
Secret vice? Dark chocolate, figs and dates; all are decadent and deliciously yummy.
What are you reading now? I have just finished an Australian book – The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart, by Holly Ringland. I was immersed in the meanings of flowers, and their use of them brings healing to people, families and communities. I give it five stars!
What was your first job? When I was 15, I worked at Myer in the imported shoe department; this gave me independence. My family struggled financially, so this helped to take the pressure off, and I could buy what I needed, and not burden my father.
Your favourite place (in Hobart) for…
Breakfast: Seagrass in Sandy Bay. I can watch the boats, dolphins and birds from the verandah.
Lunch: Robbie Browns, Kingston Beach.
Dinner: De Angelos in Battery Point; the food has heart. With my Italian heritage, the cuisine reminds me of my grandfather and father’s delicious meals they cooked from scratch.
Favourite team? The Matildas, the Australian women’s soccer team.
Favourite Hobart secret? The Flower Room, in Mather’s Lane. Home-grown flowers and produce from the seniors in our community. Beautiful and affordable.
Parting words? There are no mistakes, just opportunities to learn, and joy can be cultivated and returned to your life.