Kat Edwards
by Stephanie Williams

23-year-old Hobart musician Kat Edwards may have been born in the back of a car in Canberra, but she quickly came to know Hobart as home. Whilst her music career has taken her off the island to Melbourne for now, she’s stoked to be coming home this summer.
You grew up in Hobart – which bit of it is home? I came to Hobart as a baby, so all my memories are there. We lived in South Arm when I was younger, it was such a beautiful house and I miss it. I have memories of feeding the neighbour’s horse! Then we moved to Howrah and that’s where my family home is, on the beach, then I moved in to New Town and then right before I moved to Melbourne [in March 22] I was back in Howrah.
You’re the youngest of 9 siblings – was it a musical household to grow up in? Nah not at all! They’re all really sporty! They’re all athletes. One of them, Jeremy, played hockey at the Commonwealth Games, he’s very talented. I did have one brother who was a bit more into music than the others and he showed me how to play guitar but it was mostly me randomly deciding I’d do music!
So how did you get deeply into music? I actually didn’t really get into music til I was a bit older. I did a lot of ballet and I think that kind of started it, because it was all French music and classical, so that was kind of what I was into then as I got a bit older I started singing at open mic nights at Irish Murphy’s. That was when I was about 16, so my parents would come and watch because obviously I wasn’t of age I couldn’t be in there without them, so thanks Mum and Dad! I started listening to my brother’s music on iTunes and Mum had three CDs on rotation – Elton John, Fleetwood Mac and ABBA – so that was all I had growing up. Then I went to Hobart College for music.
How did you end up in Melbourne? It was kind of by accident actually! It just made more sense for shows. I was getting offered shows in Melbourne but I couldn’t make it up here for them because of the cost of flights from Tassie, so it’s worked out I’ve gotten way more opportunities in a gig sense since I moved. And I love it.
Is music your main job now? I’m a barista at a place in Melbourne and I used to work at Room for a Pony and I loved that, I love waitressing and barista work, I think it’s because I just really love people! I’m only doing one shift a week at my coffee job and I’ve been able to make it by with music thanks to accidental incomes like getting a song on a TV show that hasn’t come out yet, I’ve had some lucky wins. 2023 will hopefully be the year where I can just do a shift or two and music can pay for the rest, I think I’m slowly moving up to that.
Where do you hope to take your music this year? I just got back from the UK, I made a new album over there, so that’ll come out this year. I’ve had a few shows in Melbourne then a few shows in Tassie, the Mona one (Annus Finis) and then a festival in Forth and I also support Boy and Bear in early December in Hobart. It’s nice to be able to come back and do some shows in Tassie and see my family. It’s a nice little ‘two birds, one stone’ situation.
What’s your favourite place to eat in Hobart? Room for a Pony – I would get the vegan huevos rancheros or one of the pizzas. Their pizzas are probably the best pizza in Hobart.
Where would you meet a friend for a drink? La Sardina for a wine, and for a coffee, Sun Bear.
Where in Hobart do you head for a nature fix? The Springs walk on kunanyi.
Which are your favourite venues for gigs? The Odeon is somewhere I enjoy watching music, it’s a good venue to play at too. Or the Theatre Royal – that would be a dream to do a show there.
What’s the best gig you’ve been to in Hobart? Probably Matt Corby at the Odeon Theatre a few years ago, he was really good.
And your advice for visitors to Hobart? Definitely go up the mountain, go to Lost Freight cafe and get a little coffee and go for a little walk, obviously check out Mona, then go to all the op shops because we have the best op shops in Australia! Melbourne does not even compare, vintage shopping in Tassie is beautiful. Bring an empty suitcase. Even the Tip Shop in South Hobart is amazing for vintage jackets!
Stream Kat Edward’s brand new EP at www.katedwards.com.au.