Bondi Rescue’s Joel Bevilacqua
by Stephanie Williams

Joel Bevilacqua is as comfortable with words as he is with the waves. Having grown up on the beaches in Tassie, he now saves lives at busy Bondi Beach.
Where do you live? I grew up in Howrah and Lauderdale and split my time between the two when I’m home. I currently live in the eastern suburbs of Sydney.
What’s the best thing about Hobart? The people.
And the worst? The cold. I’m an absolute sook.
Tell us a little about your work? I’m pretty busy. I’m a full-time secondary school English teacher and casual lifeguard at Bondi Beach. I also do some kayak coaching and write food reviews for a magazine much like this one.
How did you get involved with Bondi Rescue? When does filming start again? I’ve always worked as a lifeguard, starting off at the Hobart Aquatic Centre when I was still a St Virgil’s boy. Then when I moved to the Sunny Coast for a few years after school I started working at the beach. When I moved to Sydney about four years ago, I was looking for work while I studied and was lucky enough to get a job down at Bondi. It’s been a crazy experience. Bondi Rescue is filmed every summer and it definitely makes the days more interesting. Everything that you see on the show is real and I’ve been involved in some really heavy situations. On the flipside, it’s also a lot of fun – especially when we’re filming. I dressed up as Cleopatra for the end of season party and got a few comments from the boys at school the day after that episode aired. The Head of Academics also had a quiet word.
What’s your dream project to work on? I’m currently filming a new YouTube series called Fish Outta Water with one of my best mates, Jethro, who is one of the main stars of Bondi Rescue. We travel to some of the most beautiful camping destinations in Australia and have a lot of fun along the way. It’s pretty hard to beat.
Tell us a little about your new series? Fish Outta Water is my baby. It’s sort of Russell Coight meets Hamish and Andy with a little bit of Hook, Line and Sinker. I originally wrote the show for my mate Jethro. He said he would only do it if I joined him, so that was that. We made a couple of really rough episodes by ourselves before we got picked up by Bondi Nation, who are now producing the show. A new episode is released every Friday and it’s received a really good response so far. You can watch the show at

I’m inspired by… People who chase their dreams and don’t worry about what other people might think.
Where’s your favourite Hobart eatery when you’re here? Grinners Dive Bar on Elizabeth Street. When I’m down next, I’m heading there on my first night back to eat about a thousand tacos and lose some games of table tennis.
Drink of choice and where do you head for it? I almost exclusively drink blue cans (Cascade Lager) when I’m in Tassie. Grinners is my go to, but The Clubhouse Bambra (my dad’s house) isn’t a bad spot either.
Favourite team? The mighty Richmond Tigers. By the time this is published we’ll have just won our third premiership in four years.
What do you never leave home without? My phone. I did see the Social Dilemma on Netflix but I know I can quit anytime.
I’d like to travel to… Hobart. It’s been a long year. If you gave me the choice between a week in Hobart right now or a month on the Amalfi Coast I’d ask you when the next Jetstar flight south was leaving.
Favourite Hobart secret? The chicken medallions at the Seven Mile Beach store.
Where to next? I’m not sure. I am enjoying teaching for now but I have never wanted to do just one thing for my entire life – that thought scares me a lot. I would like to eventually make a living from writing.