Hobart punk-rock band A. Swayze And The Ghosts played alongside Jet and The Vines this year and provided home-grown talent at Falls and Panama festivals here at home. Frontman Andrew Swayze lives in South Hobart with his wife Olivia.
Where do you live and what do you love about it?
I live on the edge of the bush in South Hobart with my wife, Olivia. It was a welcome move from our tiny apartment in the CBD. We love the restfulness of the bush and the idea of living off the land.
What’s the best thing about Hobart?
Two things: There’s a certain ‘mood’ from the general community and our modest approach to lifestyle compared to many other ‘busier’ cities around Australia. The natural environment this pretty little city is surrounded by is unlike any other and the ability to experience it so easily is incredible.
And the worst?
Recently? The hiking rates of rental/living expenses due to hasty gentrification and interstate/overseas investment is leaving many individuals and families under financial pressure and even homeless.
Tell us a little about your work?
I front a punk-rock band named A. Swayze and the Ghosts with three of my best friends (Zac Blain, Ben Simms and Hendrik Wipprecht). We formed in a share house on Hill Street three years ago and since we’ve been lucky enough to make a bit of a lifestyle out of it with plenty of great opportunity for travel and large audiences hearing what we have to say.
Where’s your favourite eatery?
Olivia and I are HUGE fans of pizza. She grew up in New Jersey, so pizza is a part of the advised daily food intake (don’t quote me on that), and I just bloody love it. These are the best: Solo, Milano’s, Da Angelo, and Local Pizza.
Where do you head for a coffee?
I have worked in cafes for what seems like forever. I used to care a lot more than I do now about coffee, and surprisingly I know a thing or two about making it. These days I lumber out of bed and go straight for the Moccona Classic (whatever) and drink it on the deck with a cigarette.
Favourite Hobart secret?
Did you know the Brisbane Hotel is haunted? True. Below the first pool table in the bar is actually a trap door leading under the street to the Hobart Convict Penitentiary where the guards would escort prisoners for a last pint before they were hung. Surely it’s true.
Which team?
I don’t have one. I would barrack for my team if I was in one. That’s the kind of guy I am.
And outside work?
I get fixated on tasks very easily when I have nowhere to be. I make graphic art, spend time in the garden, fix things around the house, cook soup and lasagne – all VERY ‘not-punk’ but, for me, entertaining activities.
A quote to live and die by?
‘Be kind to yourself’ – Cecil Hardinge (my Grandfather). It’s a simple mantra to remember when you feel the weight of your world is heavy. ■