Local Lady Kirsten Grant
by Stephanie Williams
Like our nanna’s, Kirsten Grant believes crafty keeps minds agile and active.
Where in Hobart do you live? Kingston.
Why Hobart? I’m originally from Lonnie but came to Hobart for uni waaaay back in 2001. Since graduating three years later I have lived all over the world including New Zealand, Canada, Japan and Mongolia. Most recently myself and the man were in Western Australia for seven years where our two littlies were born. We finally made it back home two and a half years ago and are stoked to be raising our kids on this magnificent island.
Tell us a little about your work? My day job is managing the best op shop in Tassie, the North Hobart Retro Vinnies but I’ve been a crafter for years. I crochet and knit mainly and now my kids are slightly older, I’m finally getting back into teaching both Beginner’s Knitting and Crochet.
What do you love doing outside work? Craft! This is my meditation, how I express myself creatively and help others to tap into their creative side. I really want to get into Art Therapy more seriously and I’m studying an Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Arts and Health with that in mind. Studies now prove what our nanna’s always knew, crafting, in particular knitting and crochet, is good for your brain. As part of my studies I’ve been researching this and an Aussie study from the University of Wollongong found crochet improves memory, reduces stress and in particular benefits those with mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.
How did you get into crafting and what role does it play in your life? My mum is a mad crafter, she can do anything. Her eyes have been failing her in the past few years but that hasn’t stopped her. She learnt to weave on a loom as she can see that ok.
You’re working on an exhibition for International Women’s Day in March. Can you tell us a little about that? I’ve been helping the Women’s Health Tasmania with some workshops teaching crochet leading up to an exhibition they’re holding on 24 March next year called Knit Your Bits! Ha! Women are encouraged to create any body part, I’ve been crocheting some boobs but it could be an organ, a finger, an eye, a whole body. You can sew your creation, knit it, crochet or embroider.
Who do you admire? Many people. I think since becoming a mum I really admire and appreciate all mothers but particularly my own mum. She has and still puts up with a lot!!
Favourite podcast or tv show? Rosehaven.
Secret vice? Chocolate! Not really secret!
What are you reading now? This is actually my secret vice, murder mysteries!
What gets your goat? Plastic. Morrison. Coal!
What was your first job? In my dad’s bakery.
What are your daily news/social media habits? ABC local radio on the drive to work.
Your favourite place for…
Breakfast: Good old Machine Cafe. Oldie but a goodie.
Lunch: Boho at the Beach. Kingston Beach. The goats cheese tart is divine in their beautifully bohemian courtyard.
Dinner: Family favourite is the new Korean joint in Kingston, Young’s Table. They have bibimbap!!!
Favourite team? Carlton by family default.
Favourite Hobart secret? Fossil Cove.
Parting words? Be kind to yourself, as well as everyone else! And a blatant plug, my next Beginners Crochet class is at Kickstart Arts on Wednesday 24 November from 6.30pm-8.30pm. All materials and a how-to guide are supplied.