Hobart Happenings March/April 2019
by Hobart Magazine

Anzac Day is coming up on 25 April and there are a host of services and marches on all over Hobart. The main parade in the city starts at 11am from Macquarie Street, making its way to the Cenotaph by 11:40am for the Commemorative Service and wreath laying. For the full list of events around Tasmania head to www.rsltas.org.au
The Flinders Island Food and Crayfish Festival is back in 2019 with an extended 4-day program and an impressive lineup of chefs including David Moyle (Longsong), Matt Stone (Oakridge Winery), Jo Barrett (Oakridge Winery), James Viles (Biota), Mark Labrooy (Three Blue Ducks), Analiese Gregory (Franklin), Vladimir Panevin (Ettie’s) and sommelier Alice Chugg (Ettie’s). The program will feature the festival’s signature long lunch along with a carpark sausage sizzle, a CWA lunch, an evening art walk and Sunday community market. Be prepared to experience a feast of everything Flinders Island represents: wilderness, community, connection, food and the natural elements. Tickets at www.foodandcrayfishfestival.com.
Tom/Koun is one interesting person. Last year he was ordained as a novice zen monk (and taken on his Buddhist/monk name Koun), a commitment that requires lots of training in the years to come. He’s also a highly regarded musician, performing as the Tom Vincent Trio. To celebrate his 50th birthday, four great Australian jazz musicians are flying in perform with Alf Jackson on drums and Tom on grand piano, in the old Mercury building. Tickets are available now for a range of dates in March. If you haven’t yet been to one of Tom’s concerts, the time is now. We’re told they will be his last performances for a long time. Book at www.tomvincent.com.au
Bob Brown is throwing himself behind the #StopAdani cause – and you can help. If works on the Adani mine start in earnest, Bob Brown will lead a convoy of vehicles travelling from Hobart to Bowen in North Queensland. Departing between 17-21 April 2019, the convoy will stop at cities and towns along the route, to hold public meetings and rallies to garner support.These events will be co-hosted with Frontline Action on Coal and Sea Shepherd. Register your interest or donate at www.bobbrown.org.au/stopadaniconvoy_signup
In light of the recent bushfires there’s plenty you can do to help the bees over the cooler months. The team from Grumpy Bee Honey (@grumpybeehoney) shared these important tips with us. The first is letting your herbs and kitchen garden (if you have one) go to flower. Herbs have lots of nectar for bees at this time of year when most things have stopped flowering. And there’s the added bonus of getting seeds to plant again next year. Planting trees native Australian plants like proteas and Waratahs is also good because they flower in winter and have a high nectar flow, as well as being beautiful. You can also get in contact with your local beekeeper’s association to see if anyone is looking to relocate their hives. If you have a bee-friendly garden and don’t mind a few bee hives then a bee keeper would be very grateful for the space.
Want to win two Festival Passes to the Cradle Mountain Film Festival March 29-31? Just hop over to www.cradlemountainfilmfest.com/hobartcomp and enter your name, email address and phone number on The Hobart Magazine Competition page. Prize will be drawn March 20. Super keen beans should jump online now to get their Festival Passes or tickets as venue and accommodation space is limited at this boutique festival (the winner will have their Festival Passes refunded if already purchased).
March is for music at Mona, with three unique performances in the Nolan Gallery, including the first solo theatre performance ever shown at the museum. WARHOL: BULLET KARMA, performed solo by Gary Roost, is a dark and witty reflection on Andy Warhol and his contemporaries at the height of the pop-art movement. British musician Robyn Hitchcock and Australian trio The Necks will also perform – Hitchcock is a seasoned singer, songwriter and live performer and will bring his psychedelic sound and surrealist lyrics to Mona for the first time. The Necks return to Mona to celebrate their 20th Album ‘Body’. Tickets at www.mona.net.au.
Get behind Tassie Mums, a not for profit volunteer organisation that provides essential items for babies and children in need. Until the end of April they’re running the Everyday Essentials project, looking for donations of new undies, new socks and new singlets for children aged 2-12 years. You could host a workplace or school drive to really show your support! Head to www.tassiemums.org to find out more.
He might be based on the Big Island, but local boy Jacob Despard is looking to back up his 2018 win in the Stawell Gift again this year. Jacob shared with us, “I’m really excited to head back to Stawell this year to defend my title. I’ve had a good season so far and can’t wait to battle it out at Central Park again.” This will be the 138th running of Australia’s richest footrace (40,000 big ones for winner!) over the Easter Long Weekend. Follow Jacob on Instagram at @jacobdespard.
Do you live in the northern suburbs? Have you heard of the Waterbridge Food Coop? Staff and volunteers grow fresh produce then cook delicious healthy meals and sell fresh affordable food in the local community. Dishes start at $3.50 a serve (think butter chicken, porcupine meatballs and teriyaki chicken) and are available for delivery to parts of the Eastern Shore, New Norfolk and toward the city for $5. Delivery to Bridgewater, Gagebrook and Herdsman’s Cove is free! www.waterbridgefood.com.au
Did you know you can hire out one of the members of the Rotary Club of Lindisfarne? You can get Tommy Choo Choo along to your event (like a school fair or fundraiser). In his 20 years as a member he has been known to donate his time to charities and even been requested to help on vice regal occasions by the Tasmanian Governor – the Honorable Kate Warner, on open days at Government House. Contact the Rotary Club of Lindisfarne to book.