Hobart Happenings June 2022
by Stephanie Williams

Tis the season for hibernation, but before we do so, we need full bellies! Luckily there are plenty of new spots swinging their doors open for us to get warm. Taiwanese milk tea lovers will have a new local with a very sleek Machi Machi (86 Liverpool Street, Hobart) opening in the city. Creme Brulee black milk tea and cream cheese foam, uh, yes please. The ex-Budgie Smugglers cafe spot has new residents with Corner Boys (52 Collins Street, Hobart) moving in late last month bringing the “global culture of hip hop” in the form of an outdoor bar and restaurant. Hint, think New York-esque style mixed plates, burgers, pitas and fried goodies. Stabla Cafe (4 Barrack Street, Hobart) in the old Soup Stop is under new management. Their laneway is looking very schmick with art by Hobart artist Tom O’Hern. Now that the days are chillier and shorter, opt to exercise inside with the plethora of gyms and exercise classes opening up. If you’ve got your head in the books, the new owners of Zest Library Cafe at the State Library will soon have you fuelled up for a big day of study. We aren’t shy of an op-shop in Hobart but more the merrier we say with the recent opening of Deadly Sisu (242 Elizabeth Street, North Hobart). Offering a massive range of vintage, retro, up-cycled and locally made clothing, there is something to suit all diverse styles. Fitzone (8 Pear Avenue, Moonah) has opened in Derwent Park, offering 24 hour access to flexible class workouts. Head to Strong Hobart (260 Argyle Street, North Hobart) for a resistance style full body work out with a mix of pilates and cardio in each class.
Salamanca Arts Centre is looking to screen music videos made by Tasmanian filmmakers and/or Tasmanian bands at their Winter Light Festival (11-21 August). The music video can be made at any time, however, either the filmmaker or the band need to be currently living in Tasmania. The music videos will screen in the courtyard of the Salamanca Arts Centre and at the Festival Hub and will be competing for two prizes.
The Best Tasmanian Music Video prize winner will receive $500 of equipment hire from Wide Angle Tasmania and free use of a Salamanca Arts Centre venue for filmmaking. The People’s Choice Award prize winner will be awarded $500 from MyState Bank. Applications close 11 July 2022. For more information contact Lucien Simon at performingarts@sac.org.au
Are you cooking with gas? Some scientists are now recommending you don’t! A new paper from the Centre for Air Pollution (CAR) recommends people switch to electric cooking and heating to avoid the health impacts that come from the air pollutants from gas…and they’re calling on governments to help us make the transition. Scientists from the CAR are concerned with the health impacts – particularly the effects on lung health – that stem from cooking and heating with gas. Professor Graeme Zosky, Chief Investigator of CAR and Deputy Director of the University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research said that gas made household air quality worse. “Marketing campaigns have promoted the idea that cooking with gas isn’t only the most efficient way of cooking, but that gas is a clean way to cook and heat homes. In reality, gas use in the home worsens air quality and this has impacts on people’s health, in particular their respiratory health,” he said. “We have previously shown that approximately 12 per cent of childhood asthma can be attributed to gas cooking stoves. That is a huge number when we consider that Australia has around 460,000 children with asthma. We know there are a variety of steps people can take to minimise the risk to their health when it comes to gas use inside the home, including improved ventilation and replacing your gas appliances with electric ones.”
The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) and the TMAG Foundation have launched their 2022 Annual Appeal to raise funds so TMAG can keep doing what it’s doing. As caretakers of the Tasmanian State Collection, TMAG and the foundation display educational and interesting exhibits, restore historic artworks and send scientists into the field to discover and document new species. The TMAG Foundation raises funds to enable TMAG’s important acquisitions, exhibitions and community programs. Donations to the Foundation underpin scientific research, the sharing of knowledge, community cohesion and educational outcomes. To make a tax-deductible donation head to www.tmag.tas.gov.au
The Abel Tasman ferry, which took thousands of Tasmanians and visitors back and forth across the Bass Strait in the late 80s and early 90s, is en route to be scrapped. The ship, once owned by TT Line, operated here from 1985 to 1993 then was sold to a Greek company. They stopped using it in 2015 and have sent it to Turkey where it will be disassembled.

CSIRO is looking at using mushroom-based psychedelics, as well as synthetic ones, to develop new treatments for some mental health issues. Depression, addiction, end of life anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder were amongst the relevant conditions listed by CSIRO in their media release about the development. Under a new licence, CSIRO can now work with local biomedical companies to extract, synthesise, improve and then develop manufacturing processes for up to 15 different psychedelic compounds. “CSIRO is well-placed to contribute to this emerging area of research, which could lead to life-changing advancements in mental health,” CSIRO scientist Adjunct Professor Peter Duggan said. “Clinical trials both here and internationally have been using known psychedelics – usually MDMA or psilocybin (derived from certain species of mushrooms) with impressive results, but there’s still much to be learnt about how these drugs work and how improvements to their chemical composition could enhance patient outcomes,” Prof Duggan said. “By working with local industry to improve drug design and the patient experience, CSIRO can push Australia into a leadership position in the development of these potentially life-changing medications.”

Do you have a creative project you want to get off the ground? Arts Tasmania is currently offering grant opportunities for five different categories. Individuals must be a practising artist who has lived in Tasmania for six of the past twelve months. The Tasmanian Residencies program supports artists to undertake residencies at several heavenly wilderness, historic and private artist residencies across Tasmania, to inspire their work. The Aboriginal Arts Program supports Tasmanian Aboriginal individuals, groups, or organisations to share culture, stories and heritage through traditional and non-traditional arts and cultural activities.The Youth Arts Organisations program supports people aged up to 25 years to develop their creative skills and enhance their social health and wellbeing. The Organisations program supports organisations to develop and share a range of arts activities, create opportunities for professional artists and arts workers, build partnerships that strengthen Tasmania’s arts sector, and connect with and inspire audiences.
For more information visit www.arts.tas.gov.au or contact grants@arts.tas.gov.au. Applications close 4 July.
The Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Society of Hobart, are inviting students and photographic artists turning 17 this year and up to 25, to enter their photographic competition for 2022. This year’s theme is “entrances/ exits”. Entries have just opened and will close on Friday 2 September. First Prize is $1500, People’s Choice $750 and three Honourable Mentions receive $750. Head to www.adfas.org. au/societies/hobart for more info and to enter.
Tasmania may be getting more pollies, with Premier Jeremy Rockliff announcing the government will table a bill to restore the number of seats in the House of Assembly to 35. The number of members was reduced from 35 to 25 back in 1998. Premier Rockliff said they’ll table the bill in State Parliament before the end of the year, and it’d increase the House size at the 2025 state election.
Tasmania’s unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8 per cent. The most recent figures, from April, are just below the national unemployment rate of 3.9 per cent. Western Australia returned the lowest state or territory unemployment rate, at 2.9 per cent, followed by the ACT at 3.1 per cent, and NSW with 3.5 per cent.
Rates will remain unchanged for the next year for our pensioners and vulnerable community members eligible for support. A review by Hobart City Council into the existing policies in place to help members of our community was completed recently, with the rising cost of living noted as the major reason to continue this support system. “We recognise that some of the more vulnerable members of our city are doing it tough right now,” said Hobart Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds. “Maintaining consistency right now will provide a level of assurance for those people until we review our rates strategy later in the year.” Support to pay rates was already in place under state legislation, however the additional pause by the City council results in discounts of approximately 15% overall. There are approximately 3000 people in the Hobart municipality currently eligible for the existing rates discount.
Our real estate records were broken last month when ‘one of Tasmania’s finest properties’ sold for over $8million. The pimped up property, Domi Reviere, is spread over eight titles and 10,400 square metres on the Howrah waterfront. The postcode’s median house price sits at just $795,000 over the past 12 months, so this was definitely one for the record books.

Tassie Mums – the local charity that gathers and distributes vital clothing, bottles, bags and more for young families in need – is running their annual winter coat drive. They’ve also moved to a brand new, bigger location and are ready to accept your wonderful donations in excellent condition. Clair Harris, the founder of Tassie Mums, told us a bit more.
Tell us about your coat drive? Tassie Mums has set the goal this winter to collect 500 children’s coats during the month of June. Our volunteers will carefully sort them ready to be distributed via social service organisations to children in need across the state.
How can we get them to you? Tassie Mums has 6 regular donation drop points around Tassie with new collection points opening up just for Coats for Kids.
And you have a new home for Tassie Mums! Where is it? What’s it like? Tassie Mums is excited to now be in our spacious, warm, clean new home in Kingston. We have lots of space to work in now and lots of natural light. It’s amazing and timely as the need in the community continues to grow. Tassie Mums is currently helping just over 100 kids a month with essential material aid.
How was the process of finding a new home and moving? Finding a new home was challenging but after almost 12 months of looking it ended up being very fortuitous. Moving Tassie Mums was epic! We did it over a long weekend with one shipping container, one van, two utes, several cars and lots of volunteers. We are still settling in with new work benches arriving this week and office set up still to go.
What else are you focusing on in winter? All the long warm things – long t-shirts, pants of all types, jumpers and jackets for children from sizes 2-14. We are also sending out a lot of linen for bassinets, cots and single beds at this time of year. New underwear and socks are also much needed in all sizes. Tassie Mums is continually grateful for such incredible community support, it is why Tassie Mums can continue to help so many Tassie kids and their families.
Visit www.tassiemums.org/coats-for-kids for more info and to get involved.

Have you tried to get to the dentist lately? Whilst the waitlists are slightly better than they were last year, they’re still pretty bad, with the average public wait-time being 2-3 years! Dr Girish Sasidharan is a Hobart dentist and the President of the Tasmanian branch of the Australian Dental Association. He told The Hobart Magazine that access to dental care in Tasmania is less than ideal, particularly in aged care settings.
How are public dental waitlists at the moment? The public waitlist for accessing dental care has always been long and with COVID this has gotten worse with 16,300 people on waiting lists and the average wait is 2-3 years. Now the COVID induced restrictions on dental services have been removed so the waiting list is slowly moving back to pre-COVID level. The waiting period for general dental care is still not ideal in Tasmania.
What are the serious impacts of poor dental health? Good oral health is fundamental to overall health and wellbeing. Poor dental health will result in both physical and psychological disability. Tooth loss reduces functionality of the mouth and can compromise nutrition. Poor oral health is also associated with a number of chronic diseases, including stroke and cardiovascular disease, diabetes, lung conditions and adverse pregnancy outcomes.
How bad are things in Tasmanian aged care? The Royal Commission into Residential Aged Care heard evidence of the appalling dental and oral health of residents in care. The words “rotting teeth” were read into evidence to describe the dire situation. The system is failing frail and vulnerable Australians. Many residents in aged care are eligible to access public dental services, however waiting lists render this access virtually useless. Many residents will not survive long enough to get the care they need. With more than 60% of Australians aged over 75 suffering from gum disease and more than one in three having complete tooth loss, a shortage of sufficient oral healthcare for older Australians can have serious implications on their health and wellbeing.
Do you have examples of the detrimental effects of lacklustre dental care in aged care? Malnutrition, social isolation and declining general health are some of the serious impacts of not maintaining a healthy mouth. I have been visiting many aged care homes around southern Tasmania for the last few years to offer dental care for the residents and I’ve personally seen the effects of bad dental health. Poor oral health increases health care costs, reduces residents’ quality of life through unnecessary pain and suffering, and elevates the risk of malnutrition, aspiration pneumonia, atherosclerosis, and premature death.
Why are people in Tasmanian aged care not getting enough dental care? Personal care staff are the backbone of care in residential facilities and are the front line of defence in avoiding oral and dental issues. They require education and skills to ensure they manage oral health and can identify problems early, before the rot sets in. The ADA is campaigning for the Cert III in aged care to include mandatory units of study in oral health. Providing oral health care to nursing home residents is complex and challenging for all care providers. Many residents in aged care are eligible to access public dental services however waiting lists render this access virtually useless. Due to lack of funding residents cannot access care through private dental clinics and mobile dental clinics.
What message would you like to give to readers who may have family in aged care settings? Take your family member to visit their dentist regularly or organise a mobile dental service to visit them in their care facility. Ensure that their teeth and denture get cleaned twice daily with a toothpaste containing fluoride and that their toothbrush is replaced around every 3 months. Alert the care home staff to any specific oral health issues the family member has such as a dry mouth caused by their medications. Limit their sugar intake and try and ensure they drink plenty of water.
Women’s Health Tasmania hosts a migrant mums and bubs playgroup every Wednesday during the school term for anyone who has moved from overseas with a little one under one. The playgroup is free, so touch base with facilitators Barb and Amirah if you’re interested in meeting some like-minded mums. Information available at Women’s Health Tas – www.womenshealthtas.org.au
On June 1, the annual Push-Up Challenge will kick off around Australia as part of Lifeline’s initiative to raise awareness around suicide prevention and mental health. Founded in 2017 by Perth resident Nick Hudson, participants will aim to complete 3,139 push-ups over 24 days, highlighting the number of Aussies who were lost to suicide in 2020. The purpose of the challenge is to promote physical activity with its known antidepressant benefits to mental health, and to bring people together by encouraging them to participate with friends or workmates, all while educating participants about mental health. The CEO of Lifeline Tasmania, Debbie Evans said, “More people than ever before are reaching out to Lifeline Tasmania for help and support, and the money raised through the Push-Up Challenge will support our services so that no one needs to go through a difficult time alone.” Since its inception in 2017, the event has seen over 250,000 participants and raised over $16 million, with $9 million raised in 2021 alone.
Denise Shukri will be one of thousands of people participating this year. Denise moved to Tasmania from the UK ten years ago after falling in love with an Aussie. Currently working at Little Miss Patisserie in Argyle Street, Denise sees her fair share of locals from all walks of life, each dealing with their own problems. “I know a lot of people who are struggling,” she said. “Especially since COVID hit, I’ve noticed how their anxiety has become worse. I don’t think there’s enough support out there.” Denise first heard about the Push-Up Challenge while volunteering at Lifeline. “I’ve been practising for the past three weeks,” she said. “I’ve worked it out, if I do 130 push-ups every day over 24 days, I can reach 3,139. Three weeks ago, I could only do 10 push-ups in a row, but now I am already able to do 70!” So far Denise has raised nearly $500, and she hopes to achieve her goal of $1,000 by June 24.
To support Denise as she takes on the Push-Up Challenge, visit: www.thepushupchallenge.com.au/fundraisers/deniseshukri/the-push-up-challenge
You can sign up for The Push-Up Challenge as an individual, a team, or get your whole workplace, club, gym or school involved at www.thepushupchallenge.com.au/beneficiary/Lifeline-Tasmania
Tourism Tasmania’s winter campaign has returned in 2022 to encourage visitors and Tasmanians to experience our winter. But it’s not all just for the visitors, Tasmanian tourism businesses have developed creative Off Season winter experiences for locals this winter too. If you’re keen to stay in a forest cabin, truffle hunt over frosty fields, try a stargazing session, or throw a pot, head to the dedicated Off Season booking platform, for lots of experiential ideas. Bookings are available for Off Season experiences from now until 31 August, 2022. www.discovertasmania.com.au/off-season.
Have you noticed some new public artworks popping up around the city? Eight new temporary public artworks are being installed as part of the City of Hobart’s CityPILOTS program. So far, four works are up: a digital civic clock that draws upon real time data (Matt Daniels); gold plaques speaking of a different Hobart in the future (David Campbell); images of the Sun to Pluto along the Intercity Cycleway (Tom O’Hern), and a new fully digital, three dimensional version Hobart itself – The Greater Hobart Digital Twin. The Digital Twin is a searchable, interactive, data-rich, three dimensional “map” of Greater Hobart built from drone and still footage that establishes a three dimensional environment a user can “fly” through. The second round of artworks will appear around Hobart from July onwards. “It’s really exciting to see more of these experimental art installations featuring throughout the Hobart area,” Community Culture and Events Committee Chair, Councillor Dr Zelinda Sherlock said. “Public installations like this really open up a community conversation by giving us an avenue to shift perspective and see things differently. Art is so important to the heart of any community, and that’s why these projects provide so much value to the City of Hobart.”

The Tasmania Bike Collective – the program that works with young people to restore and sell donated bikes and develop the kids’ life and work skills – has expanded once again. The Clarence Plains Bike Collective was launched in late May. Based at Bayview Secondary College in Rokeby, the program will work with and mentor young people from Clarendon Vale and Rokeby. Students work in small groups engaging in a work-type environment, where they are encouraged to learn new skills. They also have the opportunity to delve into the barriers they may face at school or in life and the attitudes which are most helpful to overcome these. Along the way they earn credits which can be used to purchase their own bike or parts and reinforces that they have something valuable to contribute. It’s the third Bike Collective and it’s hoped it will replicate the success of the Huon Valley and Risdon Vale Bike Collectives. For more information about the program – including how to get in touch to donate bikes – head to www.tasbc.com.au.
Support your elderly loved ones and community members on Wednesday, 15 June when COTA Tasmania hosts the Walk Against Elder Abuse. With one in six Australians aged 65 or older experiencing abuse every year, challenging and changing attitudes towards older Australians is the first step to stamping out an environment where elder abuse can thrive. Meet in Elizabeth Street Mall at 9:45 am for a 10 am start. To register for the walk, email lynm@cotatas.org.au or ring 6231 3265. If you believe you or anyone you know is experiencing elder abuse, call the Tasmanian Elder Abuse Helpline on 1800 441 169.
knowmore, a national legal service offering survivors of child abuse free legal advice, has been visiting Hobart. knowmore provides free legal advice to survivors of child sexual abuse, people applying for the National Redress Scheme and people interested in the Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have experienced intergenerational trauma from government child removal policies – knowmore work with clients in a culturally safe and trauma-informed way. “We have people here that have cultural knowledge and can help you along your journey,” Aboriginal Elder in Residence Aunty Glendra Stubbs said. knowmore is funded by the Commonwealth Government.