Hobart Happenings July 2022
by Stephanie Williams

If you’re feeling peckish, Local Panini has opened up (19 Clarence Street Bellerive) serving delicious panini, focaccias and coffee. The crew at Land and Sea Project have a flashy new coffee caravan, parked from early morning at Primrose Sands RSL every day. They pledge a portion of their profits to rotating organisations so you can feel extra good about that daily flat white. Kombi Cafe and Smoothie Bar (20 Francis Street Battery Point) have moved around the corner, still serving up yummy smoothies and healthy treats with the fabulous addition of a coffee window to get your caffeine fix. If you’re shopping up a storm at the new Spotlight Centre in Glenorchy, drop by Red Square Cafe (2 Howard Road Glenorchy) for a half-time pick-me-up, open 7 days, 8am-3pm. A new Harris Scarfe Home Store (66 Kennedy Drive, Cambridge) opened up in Cambridge late last month, perfect timing to stock up on woolly throws and electric blankets as we reach the halfway line of winter. There’s a new dinner option at the Tasman! Deco Lounge (12 Murray St Hobart) have a brand-new dinner menu with opening hours now extended until 8pm. Bookings recommended.
After the Annual Wage review 2021- 2022, the Fair Work Commission announced two increases to the minimum wage in Australia to come into effect in the new financial year. Most workers are employed under an award classification, outlining pay rates and conditions of employment. These populations will see a 4.6% increase in pay, subject to a minimum increase for award classifications of $40 per week and based on a 38-hour week for a full-time employee. Long story short, if you’re working full-time and earning under the threshold of $869.60 per week, you’ll see an extra $40 added to your paycheck. If you’re earning over the threshold, you’ll see the 4.6% increase instead. Most awards will increase from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2022 however unfortunately some awards in the aviation, hospitality and tourism industries won’t see the increase until 1 October 2022. The second increase applies to employees not covered by an award/registered agreement. From 1 July 2022, these workers will see an increase of 5.2%, equating to $40 a week. The new wage will be $812.60 per week or $21.38 per hour. Clear as mud? Head to fairwork.gov.au for the nitty gritty details, including changes to the superannuation guarantee threshold and rate that will also come into effect 1 July 2022. Wages naturally increase each year however this increase is larger than normal to counteract the rate of inflation.
A new Ambulance Station will be constructed at a greenfield site at 11 Timsbury Road, Glenorchy. Plans have been confirmed for the new ambulance site, which will house up to 18 vehicles by 2035 to service the growing northern suburbs population. Construction is expected to begin in late 2022 and will take approximately 18 months to complete.
The minimum age of youth detention in Tasmania will be raised from 10 to 14 years. The Commissioner for Children and Young People Leanne McLean welcomed the news, but cautioned that it wasn’t a fix-all solution. “This is a positive step in the right direction but more reforms are still needed,” Ms McLean said. “Raising the age of detention does serve to reinforce the general principle that detention for children should only be used as a last resort and that for young children it is totally inappropriate. However, harms to young children associated with contact with the youth justice system are not restricted to time spent in detention. A higher age of detention would not, for example, prevent a child of 10 being arrested and held in an adult reception prison pending police investigation.” Ms McLean will provide advice to the Tasmanian Government on the matter in coming months.
Pets are part of the family and many rely on them for emotional support during difficult times. But pet owners often face additional challenges when trying to leave an abusive relationship, and threats to harm pets can form part of a perpetrator’s pattern of behaviour. Launched in 2021, the Tasmanian Government’s Flexible Support Program is designed to help people affected by family violence, providing up to $6000 to victim-survivors leaving an abusive relationship. In 2022-23 the government will provide continued funding of $330,000 to support this program. An additional $100,000 will also be funded to pilot the RSPCA’s Safe Beds Program, which will provide safe beds for pets in at-risk situations, such as family violence or homelessness. Support will extend to not only cats and dogs, but to animals such as rabbits, horses and sheep. For more information on Flexible Support Packages, visit www.safeathome.tas.gov.au.
A toilet block has won big at the recent Tasmanian Architecture Awards. The loo with a view at the beach at Sandy Bay was designed by Preston Lane Architects and incorporates a sound stage and performance space. The jury said the new amenities provide a “delightfully subtle interpretation of the toilet block typology. Careful colour selection and delicate articulation of the building envelope allows the building to bleed seamlessly into the landscape. This integration is enhanced by the earth of the playground extending over the building to form the roof, which in turn doubles as a performance stage. Long Beach Amenities is a wonderful example of how a small building can have a widespread and generous community impact, making it a sustainable typology for the future.” Preston Lane Architects received the Peter Willmott Award for Small Project Architecture as well as the Colorbond Award for Steel Architecture for their work.
Reports of plants going missing from people’s yards have reached our ears and inbox. One such report includes a full sized Dahlia being dug up overnight from a backyard in North Hobart, (roots and all!) before being neatly covered back up again with mulch, making it seem as if it had never been there in the first place. Their bikes and other valuables, however, were left alone. The owners say they miss their beloved plant and would very much like it returned. Has something like this happened to you? Let us know.
Congratulations are in order for Sarah Aitken who recently won a Tasmanian Media Award in May for Arts Reporting. Sarah’s body of work included her story about Hannah Gatsby and her experiences growing up in rural Tasmania as a queer woman with undiagnosed autism, as well as the success she has enjoyed with Nanette, which Sarah wrote for The Hobart Magazine. “I’m so shocked and thrilled to have won,” Sarah said. “It was such a delightful surprise. Tasmania is chockablock with wonderful stories (arts and otherwise) and I’m really enjoying doing some deep dives into some of those yarns. Here’s to the next year of quality Tasmanian storytelling!” The Tasmanian Media Awards are an initiative of the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) and recognise excellence and professionalism through ethical reporting. Adam Portelli, regional director for MEAA in Tasmania and Victoria, said “this year’s entries have again highlighted the breadth and quality of journalism in Tasmania.” We certainly think this award was well-deserved. Well done Sarah!
Feeling up for a challenge that will benefit others and the environment? Join millions of others in Plastic Free July, a global movement by the Plastic Free Foundation that aims to reduce single-use plastic waste in your home, work, schools, and community through the month of July. They provide tips for you to try to reduce plastic and waste, such as bringing a reusable cup to your local café, swapping liquid soaps for bar soaps, and choosing alternatives to cling wrap such as wax covers. You can participate individually or create a group to keep each other motivated throughout the month. For more info on getting involved or for ideas on reducing plastic waste, visit www.plasticfreejuly.org
We were pleasantly surprised to find some fourth birthday wishes for The Hobart Magazine in the recent South Hobart Progress Association newsletter. Here’s to another four!
Just days after the giant masked owl Ogoh Ogoh was incinerated at The Burning as part of Dark Mofo, the brand new federal environment minister, Tanya Plibersek, requested more time to consider the Federal Court battle over a proposed waste dump in the takayna/Tarkine – home of the endangered owl. Minister Plibersek’s legal counsel said more time was needed to consider the 1,500 submissions that had come in to previous Minister for the Environment Susan Ley’s office. “This is a hopeful breakthrough in that MMG’s unnecessary invasion of takayna’s rainforest is being taken seriously by the new minister,” Bob Brown Foundation Campaign Manager Jenny Weber said. A full hearing, expected to take 2-3 days, is scheduled to take place on 19 July.

In evidence that Tasmanians are finding the rising cost of living tough, the new option for quarterly car rego renewals is proving to be very popular. As at 20 May 2022, 189,474 quarterly registration transactions for light vehicles have been processed – equating to approximately 35 per cent of all registration transactions. And more than 83,000 Tasmanians have used the quarterly payment option at least once.
And just like that…on 1 July our power prices hiked 11.88% overnight. The rise is anticipated to add an average of $200 extra to our electricity bills per year. Our recent vox pop of Hobartians revealed some simple tips for keeping bills low, such as:
- Make sure you are wearing your thermals, uggies, wool socks and a good jumper before you turn the heating on.
- If you have a smart meter use your appliances at off-peak times (between 9pm and 7am, and between 10am and 4pm).
- Charge your phone and other devices with USB in the car or at work (cheeky!)
- Get moving – warm yourself with exercise
- Tea, soup, warm water with lemon…repeat.
- Cuddle your pet/small child/anyone who will let you.
The Tasmanian Government is also offering a Winter Energy Assistance Package with targeted support for Tasmanian on concessions. Do you have nifty plans for keeping the bills low? Let us know!
We’re getting a Long Covid clinic in Tasmania and a specialised referral service will be established to assist Tasmanians with what can be a debilitating condition and a confusing health pathway. All patients will be managed by their GP in the first instance who will then refer them to the service where the patient will be assisted in navigating the health services they need. It’s expected to be launched in September.
The shipwreck that haunts the 1975 collapse of the Tasman Bridge has recently been mapped out for the first time in 3D with the help of new light and sound technology, developed in part by CSIRO and Jacobs Engineering. Did you know the wreck still lies at the bottom of the Derwent River next to the bridge in-between pylons on the eastern shore side? The mapping imagery allows researchers to survey not only the wreck itself, but also bridge debris, bridge pylons, and the riverbed. Parts of the road section that fell into the river are also visible. Paul Digney, Technical Director of Data Capture at Jacobs, said that their mobile scanner “uses laser pulses to accurately map the location of features by measuring the travel time and orientation of the pulse from scanner to feature and back.” The new technology will allow the monitoring of wreck degradation and riverbed scouring in greater detail. Craig Davey, a Hydrographic Surveyor with the mapping team said, “once you’ve seen these images, it really changes your experience looking at the river and bridge, and being able to clearly visualise that 140-metre shipwreck lying in the water next to it. The mapping really uncovers a hidden view of Hobart’s history.”
Six young LGBTIQA+ Tasmanians have spoken on camera about their experiences of coming out, being misgendered, and being outed. Third-way Theatre and Xris Reardon from Working It Out are seeking to edit and animate films to be used as educational resources in a Tasmanian context. A resource toolkit for schools to be used in compendium to these films is also planned. Through hearing the stories of these individuals, the hope is to reduce stigma and the burden placed on young LGBTIQA+ students to act as educators on these topics. They are seeking $5000 to cover the editing/animation costs ($3000) and for the development of a resource toolkit ($2000). To donate or find out more visit www.chuffed.org/project/call-me-by-my-name.
Are you a young person aged between 18 to 24 and have used a vaping device or e-cigarette? The Menzies Institute for Medical Research and School of Medicine, in partnership with the Department of Health, are conducting a study about vaping among young people in Tasmania. They’re seeking participants to take an anonymous survey and/or focus groups or interviews. Participants must be aged between 18-24, live in Tasmania and have used a vaping device either currently or in the past. The survey should take around 10 minutes and will ask what you know about e-cigarettes, how you use them and where you get them. You can leave your contact details to enter the draw for one of 15 $30 gift cards. For more information or to take the survey, visit www.redcap.utas.edu.au.
Tassie anglers could get lucky with a new round of tagged trout worth $100,000 just released into 15 of our local waters. Each tagged trout is worth $2000 in the state government’s Tasmanian Tagged Trout Promotion, aimed at increasing activity and tourism in our regional areas. Word has it there are also some leftover tagged trout from last year. Remember, an inland angling licence is required to fish with a rod, reel and line in all inland water in Tasmania. Other rules apply and can change from water to water. All the info is at www.ifs.tas.gov.au.
Congratulations to all the Tasmanian athletes selected for the Commonwealth Games so far! We look forward to cheering on Emily Meaney in Diving, Rebecca Van Asch in Lawn Bowls, Ariarne Titmus in Swimming, Jacob Templeton in Para-Swimming, Erica Burleigh in Para-Triathlon, Hayden Armstrong as Para-Triathlon Guide, Georgia Baker in Cycling (track and road), Josh Duffy in Track Cycling, Sam Fox in Mountain Biking and Jake Birtwhistle in Triathlon! The 2022 Commonwealth Games will be held in Birmingham from 28 July to 8 August.
There is new money up for grabs for writers as part of the inaugural Tasmanian Literary Awards – the reworked Premier’s Literary Prizes. The expanded 2022 Awards now feature a total prize pool of $125,000 and six new award categories including the Tim Thorne Prize for Poetry, The Tasmanian Aboriginal Writers Fellowship and a prize recognising books for young readers and children. Nominations are open now in all categories, with mixed closing dates from mid to late July. More info here: www.arts.tas.gov.au/tasliteraryawards.
For many of us, the world of creativity and art is a difficult realm to fathom. Painting, writing, drawing, composing; communicating messages that draw us out of our comfort zones, forcing us to think about life from different angles. The City of Hobart’s annual Ability to Create exhibition provides a space to celebrate the talent and creativity of all ability artists. For Ability to Create artists, their work can be a deep insight into a world that many of us may not experience.
The festival was conceived in 2013 when Freddy Lee-Mount, a community member with a disability, approached the City of Hobart. Freddy identified groups who created regularly and worked with them to stage the inaugural Ability to Create exhibition in 2014.
In 2022 the Ability to Create exhibition is set to be a completely immersive experience. There’s a sensory garden filled with various tactile landscapes and colour palettes. Wayfinding signage will guide people to an intimate, underwater-themed experience before resurfacing into a digital world of light play and wonder.
With support from Arts Tasmania, the City of Hobart has engaged three artists through an expression of interest process to create this journey through the senses, incorporating light, sound, and touch. The artists will create their own environments designed to evoke responses from the public. “I imagine creating spaces where elements can be touched, even experienced in a full body capacity,” Artist Edith Perrenot said. “Imagine long painted pieces of fabrics hanging down that you can look at and/ or walk through.”
Edith, along with artists Alex Moss and Joel Roberts will also work with Tasmanian visual artist Maggie Jeffries, through their creative process. Artist Alex Moss said. “My practice involves creating interactive sound and light installations that engage multiple senses and challenge participants to question what they perceive.”
“By far the most rewarding part of the process has been to sit down with ATC participants and to share in their creative environments and activities,” Joel Roberts said. “I’m looking forward to seeing it all come together.”
Ability to Create NEXT LEVEL 2022 – A Sensory Exhibition will be held at the Hobart Town Hall Ballroom, from 28-30 July, various times. Entry is free, more info at www.hobartcity.com.au/abilitytocreate.
In happy news for young ballerinas and breakdancers, dance will be included in the Ticket to Play program as of August 1. Ticket to Play provides two vouchers up to $100 each towards club membership for children aged 5-18 years and listed on a Centrelink Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card or in Out of Home Care. Dance schools, studios and clubs will need to meet the eligibility criteria to become Approved Activity Providers under the program.
From July 1 the Tasmanian Government will issue a state-wide levy for all waste material sent to landfill. Initially the levy will be set at $20 per tonne for the first two years, before increasing to $40 per tonne. After a further two years, the levy will increase to $60 per tonne. The cost will ultimately be passed onto households and businesses through Council rates. A levy of $20 per tonne is projected to cost approximately $3.47 per household. This levy has been designed to improve the recovery of valuable and reusable materials and minimise the amount of resources lost to landfill. This will hopefully benefit the environment, but also benefit the economy by keeping recoverable resources in the productive economy. Money collected from the levy will also be used to fund waste-reducing equipment and services, including in smaller rural communities that may otherwise miss out.
Data from the Tasmanian Visitor Survey (TVS) by Tourism Tasmania has shown there are still fewer visitors to Tasmania compared to pre-pandemic times, but those who do visit our state now spend more on average. In the years leading up to March 2019 and March 2020, Tasmania saw roughly 1.3 million visitors respectively, with an average daily spending of $235-$240. The following year, due to border restrictions, visitor numbers dropped to just 328,000, with the average daily visitor spending remaining around the same. In the year leading up to March 2022, however, visitor numbers more than doubled again, rising to 744,000. Interestingly, the average visitor spending has increased to $271 per day, which is higher than before COVID impacted the tourism industry. The data also shows that the average number of nights people stay in Tasmania has increased to 10.8, up from 8.1 two years ago.
Have you hung out at the Argyle Street carpark lately? Well it’s worth lingering there to enjoy a new art project which could also help you find your way back to your car. Called 6 Storeys 6 Stories, the project covers six levels and includes images of a man skiing across a bridge in peak hour traffic, a school boy walking on all fours, a significant act of bravery, not one but two princesses and a queen. The artworks will help people navigate the six storeys of the car park through an excellent wayfinding system that uses nostalgia, humour and unexpected local knowledge. The new works replace the wayfinding murals created by Tasmanian cartoonist Ross Johnson 23 years ago that featured native animals taking part in various sporting activities to honour the 2000 Olympics.

The Tasmanian Government will introduce legislation to criminalise the display of Nazi symbols, including the swastika, when used for hate and fear. The government commitment came about two weeks before Victoria became Australia’s first state to officially ban the symbols. Elise Archer, Tasmania’s Attorney General, said the display of such things, when used for hate and fear, “is offensive and distressing and a breach of community and moral standards.” Minister Archer said there were times it was appropriate to display the symbols: “Importantly, the legislation will need to distinguish the display of Nazi symbols when used in a hateful way, to symbols similar to the swastika that have profound meaning in some religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism. I also acknowledge that any criminalisation of the display of Nazi symbols will recognise where there is a genuine need to display a symbol, including for historic or educational purposes.This includes the display of Holocaust memorabilia as part of our Government’s proposed Tasmanian Holocaust Centre which will serve to educate the public and honour the victims and survivors.”
Did you know about the free help available in Tasmania for those suffering from elder abuse? The federal government released a report into elder abuse in December which found that 15% of people aged 65 and over had experienced abuse in the past 12 months. In most cases the abuse was perpetrated by the person’s adult child, with men more often responsible for the abuse than women. Tasmania Legal Aid offers a service called Senior Assist, which provides an integrated response to elder abuse across Tasmania. Senior Assist can help with intensive case management, legal advice and assistance, restraining orders, support to remove adult family or friends from their home that are causing them distress and more. Contact them on 1300 366 611 or you can visit www.legalaid.tas.gov.au for free information and advice about legal questions and options for ongoing assistance. You can call the Tasmanian Elder Abuse Hotline anytime on 1800 441 169. In cases of emergency always call 000.
From 23 October, 2022 the Spirit of Tasmania will no longer sail between Devonport and Melbourne. A brand-new terminal, Tasmania Quay, is set to open in Geelong, replacing Station Pier in Melbourne. The new terminal promises improved parking and technology for boarding, a lounge with a café and a children’s play area. The new terminal will also accommodate larger Spirit of Tasmania vessels that are due for completion in 2023 and 2024. If you have a current booking scheduled on or after 23 October, your route will automatically be updated to depart from/arrive into Geelong, so check your tickets. Meanwhile, we’ve heard of people having incredible difficulty in getting a ticket on the SOT – with one family mentioning they couldn’t book for their particular requirements until after Christmas! At a time when we’re encouraging people to visit our island (and then make their way home easily to keep those happy memories going), as well as being encouraged to holiday in Australia, it’s surprising to see there are no day sailings scheduled during the upcoming July school holidays. It’s becoming increasingly hard to get off the island during busy times such as school holidays, unless bookings are made many months in advance. To be able to take advantage of taking a car cuts down a major expense (car hire) and allows travellers to take bikes, camping gear and whatever else they can cram in a car. But not everyone can book that far in advance. If a Tasmanian suddenly needs to be on the mainland with a car, they are faced with the prospect of a fully booked boat or a very expensive last minute fare. Is it time to revisist a Bass Strait equalisation scheme for Tasmanians, or supported or lower fares for locals?