Hobart Happenings January 2022
by Stephanie Williams

A new year brings some new spaces for Hobartians (and our newly welcomed tourists) to enjoy! Starting down south, Port Cygnet Cannery (60 Lymington Rd, Cygnet) is open 7 days again for a mix of brunch, pizzas and farm lunches. Our favourite Tassie devil is back and better (and bigger) than ever! Devils Corner Winery (1 Sherbourne Rd, Apslawn) is open again with the same favourites cooking up fish and chips and wood fired pizzas, but in a snazzy new building with some additional extras. There is now a tasting room and impressive underground cellar to host all kinds of events no matter what weather Tassie puts on. If New Norfolk didn’t already have enough going for it, the former pop-up providore has been re-envisioned as the Gourmet Social Club (7 High Street. New Norfolk), a permanent retail and tasting outlet to taste local nibbles and tipples. Keep your eyes peeled about specialty food and drink experiences once the summer rush has died down a little. The Sandy Bay strip is getting busier with Scoop Wholefoods (176-178 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay) joining the scene. Owner Stacey Trovato said she missed the minimal waste shopping experience she had living in Canberra and thought Tassie’s green attitude would be the perfect home for a modern wholefoods store. Looking for an acai hit? Head to Acai Brothers Rosny Park (Upper Level, Eastlands Shopping Centre, 26 Bligh Street, Rosny Park) for acai bowls, smoothies, coffee and a plant based menu. If a vintage pub with cosy classics is your scene, head to Swansea to The Waterloo (1A Franklin Street, Swansea) for simple, generous, and seasonal pub meals with a bit of modern punch. Ex-Movida (Melb) chef Zac Green is in the kitchen and bringing a little pizazz to the coast. If you’ve walked through mid-town Hobart recently, it is hard to go past The Rox Apartments (160-162 Elizabeth Street, Hobart) without noticing the eye-catching architecture by Core Collective. All sixteen apartments have been snapped up. Glenorchy has had some big players set up shop with a brand new outdoor adventure store Anaconda (T5/2 Howard Rd, Glenorchy) opening up next to Bunnings and sharing a wall with Spotlight (T1/2 Howard Road, Glenorchy) who has moved out of the city. Hobart Exercise Physiology (Shop 2/458 Macquarie Street, South Hobart) has brand new digs in South Hobart complete with off street parking and their very own private training studio. Next door, Velvet Skin Concepts (460 Macquarie St, South Hobart) is offering skin treatments, facials, waxing, makeup and tanning. Who doesn’t love a good cheese toastie? Get Toasted was created by Bruny Island cheesemaker Joe Graff and personal chef Dayna Achilles, two mates cooking up good ol classic toasted sandwiches but with a gourmet twist and only using Tasmanian produce. Say hi at the Farm Gate market every second Sunday. Tsubame Sushi (Shop 58.3/29 Channel Hwy, Kingston) has opened in Kingston, with a regular sushi train and a fun bullet train that delivers special orders to your seat.
The collective heaviness resulting from the Hillcrest Primary School tragedy from all across Tassie – and indeed across Australia and the world – is palpable. If you would like to help the families, school and community impacted by the tragedy you can donate to the Hillcrest Community Public Fund. The fund has been organised by Devonport City Council, MyState and the State Government. You can make a donation via online banking: BSB: 807009, Account: 30194756, Name: Business Services. Or by visiting your local branch of MyState.
Pioneering treatment for premature babies that was developed in Hobart is bringing positive results. A clinical trial of premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome was led by Professor Peter Dargaville from the University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research. The trial examined the effect of delivery of surfactant by the Hobart Method – a far less invasive method developed by Prof Dargaville and his team at the Royal Hobart Hospital. Here’s the science for you – the study found that while the rate of survival was not different in the statistical analysis, the likelihood of developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), a chronic disease of the lung, was reduced from 45% to 37%. Babies receiving minimally-invasive surfactant therapy were half as likely to need to be mechanically ventilated with a breathing tube in the windpipe in the first three days, and the need for oxygen therapy at home was reduced by one third.

You may have heard that goats pretty much chew on anything. Well, Amanda O’Driscoll, the owner of Iron Moon Homestead in Granton, along with her partner Thomas Fowler have harnessed this goaty superpower and are hiring out their flock of goats to clear weeds. Amanda shared with us, “The goats are hired out to properties in Hobart of at least 1/4 plus acres. They come as a herd and are set up on the property with fencing and water.” But it’s pretty fuss free because they monitor the goats daily. “We move them to the next fencing cell to ensure they are happily and greatly reducing the density of the noxious weeds the property owner wishes to be gone.” According to Amanda, hiring goats is a good way to maintain a property without the overuse of pesticides. “They go where large polluting machinery can’t, with little erosion. I particularly love that it follows the principles of regenerative agriculture, a step in the right direction!” Amanda received training and continues to be advised through Goats on the Go. “They are an American company where this service is now commonplace.” You can find out more at the Iron Moon Homestead’s Facebook page or drop a line to ironmoonhobart@gmail.com.
A new survey of young Tasmanians has found that they view the environment as the number one issue of importance facing Australia today. Mission Australia’s Youth Survey asked 974 15-19 year olds, and found that 55% of respondents said the environment was the most pressing issue for them, followed by Covid (37.6%) and mental health (36.3%). A notably higher proportion of young people from Tasmania were extremely or very concerned about climate change (32.8%) than the national average (25.5%). One 16 year old Tasmanian commented: “[My biggest issue is] activism burnout – trying to fix all the problems in the world at such a young age and worrying about the future. I ended up feeling quite worthless because only the people in power can make a difference and little to no action is being done about these things.”
If it’s been five months since your second vaccination, roll up your sleeves as it is time for COVID-19 booster shots. Like the flu shot, the effectiveness of the original round of vaccine decreases with time, so a top up ensures maximum protection. At the time of print the advice is there’s no need to coordinate the brand of vaccine with your previous round, so hop onto the Coronavirus Tasmania website for more information and to book your booster.
If you’re a woman and find yourself with some extra time and resources over the summer, get involved with the Knit your Bits project and recreate a body part to celebrate the beauty of the body for International Women’s Day in March 2022. This is the first year Women’s Health Tasmania has hosted the project and there is hope of over 100 bits being made for exhibition. There are no rules about which parts of the body it could be, so get creative with anything wool, cotton, sewn, knitted, crocheted, or embroidered and celebrate what makes your body unique. Project Coordinator, Margie Law says they have received so much interest that as well as an exhibition on International Women’s Day at the Tasmanian Wool Centre in Ross, all the bits will travel to at least five regional towns in 2022. “The launch is likely to have lots of “oohs” and “aahs” as people see the different bits that have been made: from a giant mouth that will play recordings of the makers talking about women, health and community; an embroidered uterus made by a young woman who is having a hysterectomy; intestines that a support worker used to help clients understand their digestive health issues; and bits that explain the beauty and fragility of women’s sexual organs,” says Margie. Pieces will need to be finished for collection by the end of January with prizes awarded on exhibition day for the people’s choice of bits! For more details or to register your bit, head to womenshealthtas.org.au or phone 6231 3212.
With summer comes a new season of fruit and nothing says summer like eating sweet fruit straight from the tree in the middle of summer (whether we make it to 35 degrees or not this year). If you’re up for a weekend adventure, there are a bunch of farms offering pick your own (PYO) fruit this year. Sorell Fruit Farm (174 Pawleena Rd, Sorell) has a bounty of strawberries and cherries this month. Keep your eyes peeled for stone fruit at the end of the season nearing Autumn. If “one for me, one for you” is your kind of picking, Littlewood (1192 Richmond Rd, Richmond) has strawberries lining their paddock. And a cheeky one or two thrown over the fence to the sheep is most likely frowned upon but a gorgeous way to spend a sunny afternoon. Grab a scoop of strawberry ice-cream after a hard day’s work! If you find yourself in Grove, Something From The Ground (2048 Huon Hwy, Grove) is doing PYO blueberries every Saturday from January to March. In the Derwent Valley, Westerway Raspberries (1488 Gordon River Rd, Westerway) have their gates open to keen pickers every day and also sell any and every kind of berries jammed or turned into ice-cream. Come home via Old Beach (218 Old Beach Rd, Old Beach) for a blueberry fix from January to mid-March. Phew, plenty of antioxidant opportunities in the first three months of 2022!

The Tasmanian Museum and Gallery is ready for kids on school holidays with a range of fun activities for kids of all ages as part of their School Holiday Program this month. Inspired by the Sidney Nolan Ned Kelly exhibition, kiddos can take part in a special workshop to learn the basics of digital illustration, and hear exciting stories about bushrangers during story time. They can also take part in Antarctic-themed fun and learn more about the amazing wildlife that live on the icy continent. On every weekday from 11am – 2pm, Monday 17 until Friday, 21 January. And if you’re not feeling confident to go out in busy, public places or have been advised to isolate, you can still enjoy some of TMAG’s wonders from the comfort of your own home: there’s the new Mystery Tour of the Sidney Nolan’s Ned Kelly series exhibition with art guide Penny Carey-Wells, plus other Mystery Tours, Catch up with a Curator, Visit with a VSO or a Moment of Zen. You can get all the information on the TMAG From Home section on their website at www.tmag.tas.gov.au.
Hobart City Mission is calling on local women to help young mums and their children by volunteering with the Small Steps program. Small Steps is a live-in parenting and life skills program that provides housing and vital support for mums aged 15 to 25 and their kids. It’s been going for seven years and in that time has supported over 91 young mums with care and housing. In uplifting news, 97% of the mums and children moved on to permanent housing afterwards. Bella Windfeld- Petersen from Hobart City Mission answered some of our questions about the program.
What do Small Steps volunteers do? The volunteers provide out-of-hours support to the mums and children at Small Steps. They will be a friendly face, and help mums with emotional support and guidance when they or their children are having minor issues.
What sort of people are you looking for? We’re hoping to build a community of compassionate, non-judgemental women, to help support the young mums at Small Steps. The volunteers don’t need to have had children themselves, but should like building relationships with young people and children.
What do the mums get out of this program? The mums at Small Steps gain parenting and life-skills that will help them to grow as mums. They have the security of safe housing, and a supportive community around them, that helps them to move into independent or longer-term housing. Small Steps offers onsite workshops for mums covering topics such as sexual health, self-confidence, respectful relationships, bond and attachment parenting. Small Steps encourages and supports mums to stay engaged or reconnect with education – from finishing high school to completing a degree or diploma in their chosen field. We also run a life skills program that supports mums to learn about things such as; budgeting, cooking, maintaining tenancy, obtaining their driver’s license and self-care.
How can we get involved?
Volunteers can get involved by contacting Hobart City Mission’s Volunteer Coordinator, Sara Shepherd. Call 0438 421 076 or email sshepherd@hobartcitymission.org.au. Small Steps volunteers will receive training and guidance in their role.

Tasmania’s princess – H.R.H Crown Princess Mary, is the star of the show at a new special exhibition at the Museum of National History at Frederiksborg Castle in Denmark. The exhibition, which opens in February, tells the personal story of Mary from Hobart to celebrate her 50th birthday. It will also explain how the role of Crown Princess was created over time – encompassing history, tradition and modern reality. At the exhibition opening a new portrait of the Crown Princess will be presented. Maybe one day it will travel to her hometown!Portrait by Marco Grob (2006)
The first – and only – Aboriginal tour of nipaluna/Hobart is now open for bookings. takara nipaluna (‘Walking Hobart’) is a 1.4km walk through town and the waterfront, following the 1832 route taken by a group of Aboriginal resistance members as they made their way to old Government House to negotiate an end to the Black War. Nunami Sculthorpe-Green, the creator and guide of takara nipaluna, shares the palawa perspective of the history of the city in 22 performances throughout the year from February to December, but hurry, they’re booking out fast. Book through the Theatre Royal.
You may have seen some video footage of severe and sudden flooding at the Friends Oval, New Town in the epic storm in early December. Three cars were submerged to the point of being written off. The cars were owned by young soccer coaches who were helping kids shelter from the storm at the time. The South Hobart Football Club spurred into action holding a fundraising day to help the coaches. Club President Victoria Morton shared, “You answered our call to support two students and a young father to get back on the road. You donated over $5,000 and I am delighted to say that our Treasurer distributed the funds raised to these three in time for Christmas.” Awwwww, great work Hobart.

Who doesn’t love a clean beach, free of contamination? Thanks to the Derwent Estuary Program, it’s really easy to check water quality results for up to 22 beach sites in Hobart this summer. Each week, the DEP works with local councils and the Environmental Protection Agency Tasmania to collect water samples from more than 35 spots in the Derwent and test for enterococci, a faecal indicator bacteria (how lovely!). The results are published at the end of each week on the DEP’s Beach Watch webpage and Facebook site. Ursula Taylor, the DEP Chief Executive, said in December that 21 of the 22 beach sampling sites in Hobart were rated as suitable for swimming. “This result is an enviable situation for a capital city. Beaches with great water quality include Little Sandy Bay, Hinsby, New Norfolk and Windermere” Ms Taylor said. She did single out the middle of Howrah Beach as one spot she wouldn’t recommend swimming at this season due to contamination, but said she was hopeful it would improve. “Good progress has been made in tracking down sources of pollution in the catchment above Howrah Beach and we are hopeful that sampling results will improve as a result,” said Ms Taylor. Find the weekly results at www.derwentestuary.org.au/beach-watch.
Rocky Creek, in the Huon Valley, has been voted as having the best tasting drinking water in Tasmania. After rigorous state wide water testing, Rocky Creek took out the title of the Water Industry Operators Association of Australia (WIOA) IXOM Best Tasting Tap Water in Tasmania for 2021. TasWater Service Delivery General Manager David Hughes-Owen said it was a great result for the Huon Valley team. “Although I have not tasted the water myself, given I am based in Northern Tasmania, I have heard that it is soft on the palate and refreshing,” Mr Hughes- Owen said.
Keeping pollutants out of our stormwater drains has taken on an artistic approach this summer, thanks to the creativity and imagination of Kingborough’s school students. Street stencils have started to be positioned on footpaths near drains to emphasise the importance of keeping pollution out of our waterways. It’s a creative way to remind everyone that stormwater is connected to our waterways.

A masterplan vision for Hobart’s ‘new cultural neighbourhood’, a city block encompassing the popular In The Hanging Garden venue on Murray Street, has been released. Riverlee and DarkLab, the team behind In The Hanging Garden, have released a strategy to shape and guide the future redevelopment of the area over the next decade. The vision proposes transforming almost the entire city block into a vibrant, mixed-use neighbourhood, with more hospitality and live music venues, a hotel, residential spaces and commercial spaces alongside communal areas, interconnected by a series of laneways and walkways. To download the In The Hanging Garden Precinct Placebook, and to provide feedback about the masterplan and vision for the neighbourhood, head to www.ithg.com.au

The heritage-listed former Forestry building in Melville St – with its iconic glass dome and neglected atrium – is set to be rejuvenated by the University of Tasmania. 25 years after the dome was installed, the atrium below is set to be replanted as part of a project aimed at making higher education spaces more accessible and visible. Renowned Tasmanian architect Robert Morris-Nunn, who initially designed the award-winning dome, said he would be thrilled to see the atrium replanted. “The garden was always part of the intention for the space as I designed it, and to see it brought back to life to be enjoyed by the community will be wonderful,” he said. Campus Transformation Executive Director Phil Leersen said the new design is based on community feedback. “The urban design framework for our new campus is built around four principles which arose through conversations with the community – place, community, accessibility and sustainability,” he said. “We are creating a very sustainable and beautiful building by retrofitting an existing space with a low carbon and circular design that makes extensive use of timber,” Mr Leersen said.

The City of Clarence is partnering with Mona Foma to host Beacon, a new city-wide audio-visual installation by Australian artist Robin Fox. Powerful laser beams will sweep across the river Derwent from Rosny Hill Lookout, underscored by a synchronised soundtrack. Vehicle access to Rosny Hill Lookout will be closed for the duration of the performances – between 9:30pm and 11:30pm on 28, 29 and 30 January.
Applications are now open for Tasmania’s International Women’s Day grants program for local events that will celebrate women and girls in 2022. International Women’s Day falls on the 8 March and celebrates the achievements of women worldwide. To apply for up to $2000 towards your event, or for more information, contact the Department of Communities Tasmania on 1800 204 224 or email csrgrants@communities.tas.gov.au. Applications close Friday, 21 January.
If you’re finding your anxiety rising due to our newly opened borders and covid cases, Lifeline is here to help you. Lifeline Tasmania Acting CEO, Clare Pearson, says it’s understandable that some Tasmanians might be feeling distressed or anxious, and that there are lots of options for assistance. “We have a phone line dedicated to helping Tasmanians talk about their feelings about borders reopening or any other difficulties they may be facing in their lives – related to COVID or not,” said Ms Pearson. “The team at A Tasmanian Lifeline will listen, without judgment, and can provide a call back service so people can receive ongoing support at a time that suits them.” Call A Tasmanian Lifeline, for any reason, every day of the year from 8am-8pm on 1800 98 44 34. You can book a time for a call through www.atasmanianlifeline.com.au/book-a-call. You can always call 13 11 14 for 24/7 crisis support. Tasmanians looking to boost their mental wellbeing can visit www.checkin.org.au and for text or chat support go to www.lifeline.org.au. In an emergency please call 000.
As we get used to the latest mask mandate, it’s a relief to learn that parts of the disposable ones can be recycled if they’re put in the right place. Salamanca Market volunteers have been handing out almost 3000 masks per week to patrons who haven’t brought their own since the market introduced mask-wearing in September. They’ve now collected around 15,000 of them to be turned into new products through TerraCycle. Disposable masks contain a variety of raw products that can be recycled, with fibres able to be made into new paper products or composted; plastics can be melted and used in new products; and textiles can be converted into energy. Market-goers are encouraged to bring their own reusable fabric face masks to reduce the amount of waste generated at the market. There are some wonderful local makers sewing reusable ones in fab designs at local shops and markets, and online too.
The City of Hobart Tree Amenity Formula – used to determine the monetary value of trees on public land that are proposed for removal by private developers – is set to be reviewed. At a recent council meeting, Alderman Simon Behrakis successfully moved a motion to review the existing policy to make sure it balances the need for additional housing development with the need to keep significant trees. Watch this space.
Tasmania has been locked in to host a list of major hockey events from 2022–2027 following an agreement between Hockey Australia and the Tasmanian tourism arm, Events Tasmania. Kicking off with the Australian Under 13 Carnival in 2022, the collection of games is projected to attract 12 000 participants and supporters to Tasmania, an additional $17.5 million for the Tassie economy. The Tasmanian government has provided $1 million to support the delivery of games which will see Tasmania home to six major Australian National championships and one international pro league match in five years. The Australian International Pro League women’s and men’s teams will play either Argentina, Belgium, Great Britain or New Zealand in their home country prior to the next Olympic games in 2024. Games will be played in either Hobart or Launceston, while training camps will be hosted on the North-West coast.

Words: Lily Whiting
If we’ve learnt anything during the pandemic, it’s that accessibility to healthcare shows the difference between countries navigating relatively well, while poorer countries are still struggling with access to treatment and vaccinations. Although terminations have been available in Tasmania, information surrounding the current termination process is still confusing for some. One in six Australian women will have an abortion in their life for whatever reason, so how does it work in Tassie and are we getting the same treatment as our mainland cohort?
Tasmania is fairly aligned with the rest of the country when it comes to medication terminations – a two-step process that can be done at home up until the nine week gestation period and sought through a GP or Family Planning Tasmania. Surgical termination is more challenging to access for Tasmanian women. Up to and beyond the nine week mark, a surgical termination can be accessed through the public system at The Royal Hobart Hospital, Launceston General and Mersey Valley Hospital as well as through the private hospital system. Surgical abortions are free and accessible up to the 14-week gestation period in our public hospitals and up to 16 weeks in the private system. Beyond that, women must travel interstate or seek approval from two doctors, one being an obstetrics specialist. This 14 and 16 week cut-off is a decision made by providers based on what they are willing and able to provide women, not a legality. For some perspective, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland offer this procedure up to the 22 week gestation period. When faced with deciding to proceed with a pregnancy or not, eight weeks can be significant either way, especially when navigating Tasmania’s stretched health system.
For further complexity and interpretation, there’s also a “vulnerability” clause on access to surgical terminations in Tasmania. “Vulnerability” includes but is not limited to “victims known or suspected of assault or domestic violence, those of a social, geographical or financial disadvantage, including those with a health care card, women who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, women with acute stress or mental illness or other medical illness and women with physical or intellectual disability”. Jess Willis, Clinic Services Manager at Family Planning Tasmania said in response, “Family Planning Tasmania considers all women who are seeking a surgical termination to be vulnerable. We have not experienced any patients being rejected for surgical termination in the public system because they are not vulnerable enough.” Despite this, you’d be hard pressed to find a vulnerability clause, effective or not, on any other medical procedure.
Tasmania has progressed in terms of legislative frameworks regarding safe access zones around access centres and placing obligations on doctors who are opposed to abortion to still provide women with information on where she can access the procedure. But what happens if you fall into the gap between not being vulnerable enough and not being approved in Tasmania for a surgical termination post 14-16 weeks? Travelling after a termination (or most medical procedures) may be physically dangerous, it’s also costly not to mention the emotional burden of undertaking the procedure alone and in an unfamiliar environment.
Limiting access to terminations in Tasmania won’t stop them from happening. Instead it may make the process more traumatic and expensive than they already are. Support before, during and after is important, and having a back up option of travelling interstate doesn’t cut the mustard. Isn’t it time to bring Tasmanian legislation in line with other Australian states to give women just as much time to make their choice?
The final masterplan submission detailing the possible future of the University of Tasmania’s Sandy Bay campus has been lodged with the City of Hobart. It follows six months of design and community and stakeholder engagement, including four rounds of community engagement for feedback. That process has created a vision for the future of the site which is proposed to include protected bushland, public space, five precincts responding to the different character of parts of the site, a variety of housing uses (including attainable housing), and sporting and cultural facilities. The proposal includes 2700 diverse new dwellings. The Planning Scheme Amendment will be assessed by the City of Hobart and will include a public exhibition and submission phase sometime in 2022 with the opportunity for further public consultation.

If you’re fishing this summer, why not also become a citizen scientist and help out the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the same time. The IMAS Tassie Fish Frame Collection Program is calling for the intact frames of Sand Flathead, Striped Trumpeter, Snapper, King George Whiting and Yellowtail Kingfish. If you catch any legal-sized specimen, you can donate their frames – including the head, skeleton and guts, complete and connected – at one of 13 drop off spots across Tasmania. IMAS researchers will then gather information on the age, growth and reproduction of the species and further understand local fish stocks. To find out more about the Tassie Fish Frame Collection Program head to their page on Facebook for all the details, including drop off points.