Hobart Happenings February 2020
by Hobart Magazine

Try Dragon Boating Over the gym, or bored of your usual walk/run route? Dragon boating is a fantastic way to maintain fitness and make new mates. Ali Mourant, head coach of Derwent Storms Dragon Boat Club shared, “Our club is open to women and men 30 years of age and over. We always welcome people to come and try our wonderful sport, paddling on the glistening water of the Derwent River, under the shadow of our beautiful kunanyi / Mount Wellington.” A free trial paddling session is on every Saturday morning (weather permitting) from 8am to 9.30am. Enquire via derwentstorms@gmail.com
Free Kingston Park Run Every Saturday at 9am, runners gather at Kingston Park to compete against the clock over 5km. It’s a free event and open to everyone, all you have to do is register once before your first run at parkrun.com.au/kingstonpark/ and bring your barcode. There are other runs on around Hobart too, check website for details.
Changing the guard at Shippies Patrons at the Shipwright’s Arms will recognise a familiar face behind the bar these days. Hobart Hurricanes player, James Faulkner recently teamed up with Paul and Karen Jubb (Customs House) and Nick Bedding to takeover the pub in Battery Point. It’s one of Hobart’s oldest pubs and traditionally a favourite among sailors. “We started with Phat Fish in Salamanca two years ago, then the freehold of Shippies popped up,” James shared. “We’re tossing a few things up in the air with renovating – getting the accommodation rooms up to scratch, potentially building over the top of the car park. Modern it up and make it all flow with the other houses in the community. We don’t want to go and change anything structurally. We’ve got a few designs at the moment, to get the beer garden in the middle of it and get everyone up the road where they used to come! I enjoy the front of house. It gives me a bit of an outlet to get away from sport.
Please Delete My Photo Late last year, the State Government (and Victorian Government) uploaded 410,000 drivers licence photos as part of the National Driver Licence Facial Recognition Solution. Richard Griggs is the Tasmanian Director of Civil Liberties Australia and has set up deletemyphoto.net to garner support for people to opt out. “The aim is to protect Australians from identify theft. However, concerns have been raised that there’s nothing to stop its use being expanded in the future,” Richard shared. “A group of people are forming who will request their photo be deleted from the database in Canberra.” Head to the website to add your name to the list if you’re concerned.
Get Rollin’ The annual Women on Wheels bicycle ride turns 20 this year. It’s for those who’d like to ride more but don’t have the confidence to go it alone just yet. The ride kicks off Tasmanian Bike Week events on 1 March, at Long House, Macquarie Point at 10 am. There are three rides to choose from and at the end Banjo’s Bakery is providing lunch. Tickets are $10 for Bicycle Network members and riders under 16, and $15 for other riders. Register at biketas.org.au/wow2020.
Intergenerational Playgroup in Glenorchy You might have seen the heartwarming TV show, Old People’s Home for Four Year Olds last year. Hobart kids will love the Intergenerational Playgroup on Friday mornings at 10:30am Glenview in Glenorchy. It’s $5 for family or $3 for one child. Glenview is at 2 Windsor Court, Glenorchy and you can book a spot via westmoonahcommunityhouse.com
Sustainable Hill Street Grocer Spotted while shopping at Sandy Bay recently was a new type of shopping trolley made from 66 recycled milk bottles. Using recycled Australian plastic, the trolleys are a great initiative to help reduce the environmental impact of our shopping habits. And in the South Hobart store, 100% biodegradable and compostable bags for fruit and vegetables made from corn. Every little bit counts.
Jazz Around Hobart in February Music lovers are spoilt this month with two Jazz festivals to enjoy. First is the Clarence Jazz Festival, an eight-day music festival from 16-23 February. Then from 27 February – 1 March, JAZZAMANCA is at the Salamanca Arts Centre.
Water Restrictions Stage One water restrictions are currently in place and will be until at least the end of this month. We didn’t see that coming and with no public lead time, maybe the government didn’t either? In any case at the moment garden and lawn watering is allowed on any day during certain times depending on the method (like automatic and manual systems). Handheld hoses with a trigger nozzle, buckets or watering cans may be used at any time. Beyond these restrictions, it’s good to be conscious of your water use anyway and cut down where you can.
Council Theatrics Who needs to go to the theatre when you have it for free at our local council meetings! We recently attended a Hobart City Council meeting with interest in a matter in our local neighbourhood and were thoroughly entertained – theatrical objections, dramatic points of order and personal soapboxes being wheeled out for extended monologues. But the best part is, you don’t even need to attend in person, you can listen in online. Check your local council’s website for dates and times and get involved.