Hobart Happenings December 2019
by Hobart Magazine

Made to fit
When you think of dance companies, do you picture young kids in leotards looking for a future on the stage? Well, a contemporary dance company based in Hobart is about to give you a different perspective. Mature Artists Dance Experience, or MADE, is one of Australia’s leading companies in the field of dance for older artists, and it’s based here in Hobart. The company regularly collaborates with internationally acclaimed choreographers and their new double bill season, with two cleverly named dance works, is no exception. MADE TO LAST is fierce and funny, from UK choreographer and larger-than-life performer, Liz Aggiss, a mature artist with work spanning over five decades. And HandMADE is a new work by exciting Tasmanian dance maker Emma Porteus. Emma likes to co-create with the dancers, so everything in HandMADE comes from the skilled Hobart performers. These mature dancers are very brave and open, and explore ideas that relate to cycles and rhythms of life. Catch these two works at the Moonah Arts Centre from 12 – 14 December.
Well Played Kids
Congratulations to Hobart school students (and their families and supporters) for their contribution and commitment to the School Strike For Climate protests to date. It seems the Prime Minister is starting to listen – he just put $1 billion in the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (the same fund Tony Abbott sought to abolish!). This is a direct result of your voice being heard and for that you should be very proud. Don’t stop serving it up.
Who is this mystery Hobart woman?
The young woman in this photo, believed to be taken in around 1953, was the ‘belle’ of a reader’s father, now deceased. The woman also features in a short film taken of the couple whilst holidaying on the Gold Coast. Our reader is keen to discover who the young woman is. If still alive she would probably be in her late 80’s or early 90’s. If you have any leads to help solve this mystery, email editor@thehobartmagazine.com.au
Did we really need a big campaign from Hobart City Council to tell us to put our food scraps in the green bin? Obviously it’s great that organic material is being put to better use, but the strategy to introduce a new plastic bin to every household needs to be questioned. Given the upcoming ban on single use plastic within the municipality, perhaps all residents should’ve been encouraged to find an existing container to set aside for scraps. It must’ve been expensive to buy all the new bins?
Way to go, slow
We recently shared here that Paul and Kaye Gilhooly made an epic journey on foot from Canterbury in the UK to Rome. Spoiler alert…they made it! But not without some blood, sweat and blisters. Kaye shared, “On leaving Canterbury our first encouraging signpost said, 2,000 kms to Rome…almost there! This was just the first of 93 days of walking, across 4 countries, to complete the Via Francigena, an old pilgrim way from Canterbury to Rome.” Paul (61 years) and Kaye (58 years) were significantly older than most walkers they met along the way. “This heightened our sense of achievement when on 10 September this year, we entered St Peter’s Square in Rome with elation, relief and sadness that the walk was now finished.” Get an insight into their journey on Instagram @thegoddesswalkstorome