Zodiac Check-In: Your Monthly Astro Update for September 2024
by Sara Hewitt
Aries (21 Mar – 19 Apr): The New Moon on the 3rd brings big opportunities to set new health or work routines and really get your home and life organised. The Full Moon and eclipse in Pisces on the 18th highlight your subconscious zone, increasing your intuition. Mercury’s move into Virgo on the 9th sharpens your communication, and by the 26th, it makes relationship conversations a lot easier.
Taurus (20 Apr – 20 May): The New Moon on the 3rd energises your creativity, fun and romance sector – perfect for starting a new hobby or deepening a romantic connection. Mars entering Cancer on the 5th boosts communication in your daily life. The Full Moon and eclipse on the 18th highlight your relationships with friends and the groups you feel comfortable with – plus your hopes for the future.
Gemini (21 May – 20 Jun): A new beginning to your home and family sector is brought by the New Moon on the 3rd – this could mean moving to a new house. Mars enters your money sector on the 5th, taking financial matters to centre stage. The Full Moon and eclipse on the 18th bring career and public image into focus.
Cancer (21 Jun – 22 Jul): The New Moon on the 3rd lights up your mind and talking zone, making it a great time to start new communication projects or reconnect with siblings. Mars enters your sign on the 5th, boosting your energy, drive and ambitions. A great time for sport and anything where you have to push yourself. The Full Moon and eclipse on the 18th push you to explore new horizons and look outside the usual for answers.
Leo (23 Jul – 22 Aug): Your finances will be energised by the New Moon on the 3rd, perfect for setting new money goals, budgets and savings plans. Mars entering your subconscious zone on the 5th shifting your energy and focus towards introspection and private matters. The Full Moon and eclipse on the 18th bring deep emotional or financial insights.
Virgo (23 Aug – 22 Sep): The New Moon happens in your sign on the 3rd, making it a perfect time for personal renewal and setting goals. Mars entering Cancer on the 5th focuses your energy on social connections and group activities. The Full Moon and eclipse on the 18th bring your relationships into focus, urging balance and patience to bring harmony and growth.
Libra (23 Sep – 22 Oct): The New Moon on the 3rd lights up your subconscious and intuition zone, perfect for letting go of old habits. Mars entering your career zone on the 5th turns your focus to professional ambitions, recognition and rewards. The Full Moon and eclipse on the 18th urge you to pay attention to your health, lifestyle habits and daily routines.
Scorpio (23 Oct – 21 Nov): Your zone of friendships and long-term goals will be energised by the New Moon on the 3rd – ideal for setting new intentions and meeting new people. The Full Moon and eclipse on the 18th highlight your creativity, self-expression and romantic side. Mercury in Virgo puts the focus on group activities, until it moves into Libra on the 26th and increases your intuition and spiritual growth.
Sagittarius (22 Nov – 21 Dec): The New Moon on the 3rd illuminates your career and reputation sector, making it a perfect time to set new professional goals or apply for jobs. Mars turns your attention to shared resources and deep emotional matters from the 5th onwards. The Full Moon and eclipse on the 18th highlight everything to do with your home and family.
Capricorn (22 Dec – 19 Jan): The New Moon on the 3rd energises your sector of travel and higher learning – perfect for planning a trip. From the 5th onwards, Mars focuses your energy on partnerships and putting effort into making things work with loved ones. The Full Moon and eclipse on the 18th highlight communication and how you think about things.
Aquarius (20 Jan – 18 Feb): Your transformation and intimacy zone will be lit up by the New Moon on the 3rd, making it a great time for deep emotional or financial renewal. Mars entering Cancer on the 5th shifts your focus to health and daily routines. The Full Moon and eclipse on the 18th highlight your money zone, bringing financial matters o the forefront.
Pisces (19 Feb – 20 Mar): The New Moon on the 3rd energises your relationship zone, making it a perfect time for new beginnings in all partnerships. The Full Moon and eclipse in your sign on the 18th highlight your relationship with yourself and personal growth. Mercury in Virgo enhances communication in your relationships.
Sara is a Hobart based astrologer with over 30 years professional experience. If you would like a private psychic or astrology reading with Sara either face to face or by Zoom or email, please go to www.stargold.com.au for more information and to book.