Zodiac Check-In: Your Monthly Astro Update for July 2024
by Sara Hewitt

Dive into the month ahead with practical star insights – your guide to navigating the cosmos this month.
Aries (21 Mar – 19 Apr): A big month for all matters to do with home and career, especially for those who have their own business or who are hoping for a promotion or new job really soon. There are great planetary energies for those Aries looking to buy a new home as the New Moon lights up your zone of houses with fresh potential. A very productive time for creativity and personal expression.
Taurus (20 Apr – 20 May): You are likely to have a lot on your mind through the first part of July as your mental zone is packed with planets all interacting with each other. Be mindful that you don’t create arguments through not getting enough rest and then feeling irritable and tired with the people around you. There are some lovely energies for family and everything to do with your home.
Gemini (21 May – 20 Jun): This is a great month for making a fresh start with your finances and budgets, especially if you have not been organised or structured with money in the past. Good luck and abundance planet Jupiter is still moving through Gemini, bringing a boost of positive energy and growth to your life and plans. Romance is highlighted for those Geminis in long distance relationships.
Cancer (21 Jun – 22 Jul): The New Moon in your sign on the 6th will give you the opportunity for making a positive new start in your personal goals and direction. Money is highlighted with the financial growth and abundance increasing the longer the month goes on, helping you to gain some welcome peace of mind. The Full Moon in your relationship zone on the 21st brings romantic bliss.
Leo (23 Jul – 22 Aug): The cosmic energy builds up as three planets move into your sign throughout the month, including Venus, planet of love and harmony. A fantastic time for really getting down and working out where you stand on certain issues, but also for making big decisions where love is concerned. Your working life is highlighted by positive energies from the Full Moon on the 21st.
Virgo (23 Aug – 22 Sep): Your friendship zone is highlighted with lots of fun time for the first part of the month, but towards the last week or so you may just want to curl up and hide away from it all and relax. Relationships and romance could cause a few headaches if you are not sure how the other person is feeling or if they are possibly doing something you don’t know about or like.
Libra (23 Sep – 22 Oct): Your public reputation comes into focus with the New Moon on the 21st – this can be really helpful and important if you are hoping to start a new career or get some kind of award. Your home life is equally highlighted by the second Full Moon in your home and family zone in a row – making this a great time for all family gatherings and also any real estate deals.
Scorpio (23 Oct – 21 Nov): Some of the pressure and stress you may have been feeling in your dealings with others recently will start to go away after the 21st which will make your day-to-day life a lot more peaceful and happier too. A positive time for making big or life changing decisions – but only if you need to follow your heart more than logic as your emotions will be very powerful.
Sagittarius (22 Nov – 21 Dec): Active and sometimes irritable Mars is moving into your relationship zone on the 21st which could make things a bit tense and stressful with your loved one if you have unresolved issues between you. Financially you are getting a second chance at growth and reaping the rewards of the past – just be aware that new opportunities may create more obligations.
Capricorn (22 Dec – 19 Jan): The second Full Moon in Capricorn in a row will happen on the 21st. This will give you another chance to achieve something important to you or reach a milestone with someone close – even if you have failed in the past. Your relationship zone is highlighted with new beginnings, both for existing relationships and for those just starting out. Money is highlighted.
Aquarius (20 Jan – 18 Feb): Not the best time for reaching out and pushing yourself into the world of people and drama. Your best path this month is to take it easy in the background – planning your next moves for when the timing is better. Relationships with loved ones will experience some positive love energy and also better communication for when things get a bit tricky.
Pisces (19 Feb – 20 Mar): Be very cautious about overindulging in things that are bad for you this month – even though they might feel really good at the time. Bad habits are going to drag you down right now – especially if your social life is as busy as the planets are indicating. Your health may need some attention if you get run down or exhausted from doing far too much on too little sleep.
Sara is a Hobart based astrologer with over 30 years professional experience. If you would like a private psychic or astrology reading with Sara either face to face or by zoom or email, please go to www.stargold.com.au for more information and to book