Whose Dream Are You Pursuing?
by Annia Baron
Are you ready for a dose of truth?
You’re making yourself sick and tired by overloading your mind and body with things you think you need, and holding onto the belief that if you pause, if you really give yourself the time and space to assess what you need to do, everything will feel overwhelming. Although you recognise the importance of slowing down, you’re afraid that if you do, you’ll get left behind; that if you take a break from the chase and the rat race, you won’t have anything to show for it, so the fear propels you to avoid making the very changes that open the door to a life you desire and deserve.
Long ago, it was imprinted on you that to be accepted and admired, you would need to acquire a lot of things. You would need to collect accomplishments and accolades, and the tangibles that society uses to validate them – titles, homes, cars, accessories, and devices. The more you had, the more successful you’d appear. The indoctrination started in school. Along with memorising the periodic table and reciting historical facts, what you really learned is your worth was embedded in how you compared to others. You weren’t encouraged to voice your ideas freely or cultivate your uniqueness. Instead, conformity was rewarded and striving to pursue excellence became inextricably linked with competition. Since then, you’ve been driven to be seen. You’ve sought to prove your success, and years of doing so armoured you with a sense of identity.
There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s brilliant to be fuelled by the desire to leave your mark on the world. And how you’ve gone about it is commendable; many good things have arisen. But in an age where go-go-go is synonymous with success, what we’re chasing ends up being the impediment to what we’re seeking. We find ourselves so focused on the end goal that by the time we get there, we’re too tired, too busy, and too hardened to enjoy the rewards. And our mind, primed to be hurried, is already planning the next thing.
The remedy?
When was the last time you paused to ask yourself, “What am I pursuing?” “Why is it important?” “Is this dream mine or someone else’s?” “Is this version of success sacrificing my health, my relationships, or peace of mind?”
If what you’re pursuing is robbing you of opportunities to rest and find balance, to connect deeply with those you love and care for, or leaving you with a quiet sense of dissatisfaction, don’t ignore the signals. Your time is precious, and every day is a chance to explore and re-energise your goals. Chasing things that leave you with short-lived satisfaction is what your younger school self might have done. But here in the present, you hold the permission slip to pursue excellence in ways that light you up. You’re wise enough to go after the very things that free you from contrived ideas of who you should be, and instead, accumulate the experiences that leave you truly nourished – mind, body, and heart. Because at the end of the day, no matter what you’re aiming for or what pursuit brings you meaning, how you honour yourself throughout the process differentiates a successful existence from a fulfilling life. And it all starts with a choice to pause.
No more avoidance.
Take time to explore the reasons behind your goals and start living your dream life wholeheartedly.
Annia Baron is a Hobart based Mindset Coach and Clinical Psychologist. Ready to start living your dream life wholeheartedly? Get in touch on 0402 448 278, on Instagram @anniabaron or visit www.remindyourself.com.
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